Oct 16, 2009

Matthew Effect

Associating Kolmogorov's name with the complexity may also be an example of the "Matthew Effect" first noted in the Gospel according to Matthew, 25:29-30,
For to every one who has more will be given, and he will have in abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away. And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness; there men will weep and gnash their teeth.
(для тех хкто в танке, это цитата из евангилие от матвея, которое счяс чаще используют в виде "богатые станут богаче, а бедные будут хныкать в тимнате скрипя зубаме". хотя это не совсем правильны пиривод, или даже совсем неправильный. найду цытату из библии допишу.)

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